
ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry


Frederik Feike and Dr. David Sauerwein will speak at EuroSun2022 in Kassel

Next Monday (26.09.2022) Frederik Feike from the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics at TU Darmstadt and David Sauerwein (Institute of Sustainable Building Design) will give a presentation on „Direct Excess Heat Utilization from a High Performance Computer in an Existing Unrenovated Building“ at the EuroSun 2022 conference in Kassel.

For the decarbonization of the building sector, there is no alternative to reducing the demand for fossil fuels. Currently, about 75 % of the German building stock is heated with natural gas or oil. The current energy crisis has further increased the urgency of substituting fossil fuels.

In this presentation we speak about the savings potential of fossil district heat of the architecture building of the Technische Universität Darmstadt by directly using excess heat of a high performance computer (HPC). It is based on the already implemented demonstrators of a hot-water-cooling system for the new HPC and on the integration of low temperature ceiling heating systems in the otherwise unrenovated architecture building. As a result, with an excess heat utilization rate of 52 %, more than 60 % of the fossil building’s district heating demand can be saved.

We are happy to have been selected and about the interest in our topic!

See you!

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