
Energy technologies in civil engineering and architecture (ETCEA)
Requirements / Target group
Time and place
Mon, 13:30 – 15:10 Uhr S306/053
Procedure / Dates
Lecture – Building Level
Fundamentals and Theory
16.10.2022 Kick-Off lecture + semester assignment
Prof. Knaack, M.Sc.Kirschstein, M.Sc. Reber
23.10.2022 Basics of sustainable building and construction
Prof. Kuhn
30.10.2022 Building physics requirements
Prof. Koenders
06.11.2022 Useful energy demand – causes / reduction
M.Sc. Grüneberg, M.Sc. Lochmann, M.Sc. Reber,
13.11.2022 Final and primary energy demand – causes / reduction
M.Sc. Kirschstein, M.Sc. Reber
20.11.2022 Energy-plus houses
Prof. Tichelmann, M.Sc. Grüneberg
27.11.23 Autochtonous construction
Prof. Kuhn
04.12.2022 Experimental houses and prototypes
Prof. Joppien
11.12.2022 Building envelope and technical building equipment
Prof. Knaack, M.Sc. Schaffarczyk, M.Sc. Xue
18.12.2023 Interim presentation of semester assignment
Lecture – District and Town
Fundamentals and theory
08.01.2024 Sustainable urban planning
Prof. Rudolph-Cleff
15.01.2024 Energy-efficient settlement concepts
M.Sc. Reber, M.Sc. Kirschstein
22.01.2043 Political and social conditions
Prof. Rohde
30.01.24 Submission of the semester assignment
29.01.2024 Case studies I
M.Sc. Kirschstein, M.Sc. Gappisch
05.02.2023 case studies II
Dr. Müller
11.03.2024 Written exam